Description: The source data used to graphically depict this feature class are as follows: recorded subdivision, lot tie, and lot split plats, deeds of record and judicial judgments.
Copyright Text: City of Yuma Engineering Department, Licensed Civil Engineers and Licensed Land Surveyors.
Description: Mapping to a project boundary delineating 85 contiguous square miles within the City of Yuma, Sanborn collected digital photography and LiDAR data to generate comprehensive digital terrain models and 2-foot contour maps. In addition, the planimetric features were extracted from the fully controlled photoset to yield an accurate GIS base map feature dataset.
Description: The City of Yuma limits are depicted utilizing the combined annexations and deannexations derived from the Annexation feature class. Limits of other municipalities are depicted from data received by those entities.
Service Item Id: a512cfd207894f9ab6394a5df0585377
Copyright Text: City of Yuma Engineering Department, Municipalities.